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The Wake of Jamey Foster
by Beth Henley
Performed March 28, 29 and April 4, 5 2003

Cast and Crew
Marshael Foster..........Mary Kay Kelleher
Leon Darnell..............Daniel Dykes
Katty Foster...............Lynnie Thieme
Willy Wayne Foster....Stephen Toth
Collard Darnell...........Heather Peurano
Pixrose Wilson............Jillian Palmer
Brocker Slade.............Rich Weingart
Director.....................Beth Nichols
Assistant Director........Ken Lamothe
Stage Manager............Zac Doty
Set Designer...............Andy Kirby

Setting: Marshael Foster's house and yard in Canton, Mississippi.

Story: The family of Jamey Foster has gathered for his wake. He was kicked in the head by a cow while enjoying the company of his mistress in a pasture. The mourners include Jamey's estranged wife; her sister and brother, and the brother's fey girlfriend; Jamey's upwardly mobile brother and his oppressively doting wife; and an eccentric family friend who raises pigs. They all seem to agree on one point: none of them really liked the deceased very much. But on most other matters they are far apart, and as old enmities flare up the play explodes with bizarre humor and zany revelations. In the end a tenuous truce is reached as those assembled prepare to depart for the final rites--but it is abundantly clear that the lives on which Jamey had a baleful effect in his lifetime may well be changed for the better by his untimely demise.

Little Orphan Pixrose
Boy talk
From L-R: 1 stiff (off stage), 2 siblings, 1 stare
See Brocker woo!
Family matters
The cast